Contextual Design: Evolved

We’ve received a tremendous response to our Cool Concepts and the resulting changes in Contextual Design. Now our first book on the topic explains how we overhauled Contextual Design to help teams design for the way technology now fits into peoples’ lives. This...

Contextual Design: Evolved

Contextual Design is a user-centered design process that uses in-depth field research to drive innovative design. Contextual Design was first invented in 1988 and has since been used in a wide variety of industries and taught in universities all over the world. It is...

Karen presenting at Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute is one of the world’s leading university HCI programs and Contextual Design has long been part of the curriculum. So as a friend of CMU’s program, we’re especially pleased that Karen has been invited to give a...

Karen at two events in Seattle

Karen will be in Seattle the week of September 15 to attend Automotive UI, the International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. If you’re attending the conference, be sure to look for Karen—Karen and her hat always stands...

Karen coming to the Twin Cities

We’re excited to report that Karen will be in the Minneapolis/St Paul area. On September 29th she’ll be conducting a 1-day workshop sponsored by UXPA Minnesota that covers the Contextual Design techniques that bridge the collection and analysis of user data to design....