The Agile 2010 Conference: Agile Grows Up

I’m on my way back from Agile 2010, the main industry conference on Agile methods and tools. As always, I come back with lots of thoughts and insights into the state of Agile development today. If I had to choose one theme for the conference, it would be something...

InContext Does Agile

I’m excited by the work we’ve been doing with Agile teams and defining the best relationship between Agile Development and user-centered design. Here’s some of what we’re up to: New Publication: Agile User-Centered Design UX designers have...

Why Developers Don’t Think Systemically

BJ Clark over at Marked as Pertinent has an interesting post on who should do acceptance testing. He starts there, but he spends most of the post on the really interesting question, which is the role of the Interaction Designer (ID). His claim, which I agree with, is...

Agile development at CHI

I attended CHI 2010 week before last and it was interesting and insightful as usual. There were lots of great ideas, interaction paradigms and insightful research being presented. But one topic was not much addressed by official conference sessions, but was common in...

Agile Development and User Centered Design

What is Agile? Agile methods are a relatively new approach to producing software. In contrast to traditional approaches that emphasize requirements analysis, design, and implementation as distinct phases, Agile methods seek to minimize up-front planning in favor of...