We’re running a contest on Twitter that we hope you’ll find fun. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Tweet about what you think is the single most helpful design principle. If you had to choose just one principle that you could get all those non-designer folks out there who are creating websites that are impossible to navigate and apps that are just too hard to use, what would that principle be?
  2. Include #CDbook and @incontextdesign in your tweet.
  3. Our design chair, David Rondeau, along with assistance from the other designers here at InContext, will choose a winner based on quality, originality, and general “interestingness.” Winner will receive a copy of our first book, Contextual Design: Designing Customer-Centered Systems.

The Rules

  1. The contest will run for two weeks.
  2. If you enter once then think of a better principle, it’s OK. Multiple entries are allowed.
  3. However, don’t do things that violate Twitter Rules, like post the same tweet over and over or create multiple accounts.
  4. Unfortunately, the contest is only open to participants in the US for the English version of the book (no Korean or Hungarian available right now).