Know You Are Building the Right Thing- Part 1

We will be releasing a series of clips that explore how to understand your customers in order to create the right product and guarantee success. In this particular clip Karen explains what you have to understand to begin the process. Find out what you can do to...

InContext at 20

20 years is a long time in the world of technology. When Karen started her initial work in Human-Computer Interaction, the interaction we were talking about was English-language command lines for the EVE editor at Digital Equipment Corporation. Most software at the...

Webinar: Innovation in Cool

Can you intentionally design a product that is cool? What makes products Cool? How can teams design for Cool? What mysterious forces need to align in order to create the most innovative products on the planet? To find out, we immersed ourselves in the experiences of...

Announcing Interactions Article: What Makes Things Cool?

I’m pleased to announce my article on “What Makes Things Cool?” has just been published in the November issue of Interactions. See the front cover of your copy of Interactions or buy a copy of the PDF here. Any time that a new platform emerges, it calls for new design...

Welcome to InnovationInCool

Come see our new site at! When Apple came out with the iPhone in 2007 it was a game-changing product. Everybody was talking about it, even those not flocking to AT&T. People at parties gathered around the phone to watch the pinch, the...